Wednesday, January 14, 2009

This was our trip to body world! Although we had to wait in live FOREVER!!! it was a blast. We also went to the Jazz game later that night and met up with Krachelle & Kyle and Hailey & Jeff. We sat by a boy who smelled like he had just eaten 10 doodoo cakes (Brett's words) and the most annoying Detroit fans who spilled beer on Kyle's shoulder. Besides that, we had a blast and I just love my friends! In the pic there is Brittany and Riley who are engaged to be married in March and then Taryn and Bode. Bode you are a great city driver don't let Taryn tell you otherwise! he he

Our trip to SLC! He is so photogenic:)


Ralph and Debbie said...

Brett and Alyse, your little baby Adrie is so cute. I can't believe how big she is already! You will have to add us on your blogs so we can see whats going on..

Jennica said...

hey alyse!! i hope you don't mind, i added you as a friend on my blog!! haha! how the heck are you anyways?? your baby is seriously like the cutest baby i've ever seen.... i'm not even kidding!!! :)) where you living these days??